Saturday, September 03, 2005

Angel on my Shoulder

I was eating dinner today, and an overwhelming feeling came over me.  There are people in this country, affected BADLY by this hurricane.  No food, no place to go, no nothing.  And my heart got heavy.  Very heavy…  Mind you, I have family all throughout Louisiana.  I’m sure that some of my relatives are among the people who are suffering.  One question burned in my mind:  what can I do about it?  How can I help?  I didn’t want to send money to the Red Cross, because I felt like that wouldn’t be enough.  It just didn’t seem like the humane thing to do, you know?  I can’t just “throw them some money and look the other way…”  No, this shit is too serious!  So I’ve decided to “adopt a family.”  I figured this much:  Whatever I have, it’s a lot more than THEY have right now.  Just the thought of even sitting there, amongst dead bodies, no bathrooms, no water, no food, no anything…  I can’t sleep at night, knowing that I’m here, safe and dry, while THEY’RE out there suffering.  While it’s not possible for me to drive down to New Orleans (or any other affected area) and say “hey, you wanna come to Detroit?!”  I did the next best thing.  

There’s a website (hosted by an organization called MoveOn) called, where you can connect your empty beds with hurricane victims who desperately need a place to wait out the storm.  I’m urging everyone who has the means, please visit this site.  

You can post your offer of housing (a spare room, extra bed, even a decent couch) on or search there for housing if you need it.
MoveOn will pass requests from hurricane victims or relief agencies on to volunteer hosts, who can decide whether or not to respond to a particular request. The host remains anonymous until they reply to someone looking for housing.
I just posted my own offer. I hope you will too, or pass this on to people you know in the Southeast:

Housing is most urgently needed within reasonable driving distance (about 300 miles) of the affected areas, especially New Orleans. But even if you don’t live in that region, don’t let that stop you.  You can definitely make a difference.

Peace, love and many blessings…

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